Wednesday, 28 December 2005

Training Dates for 2006

Refresher Course 2006 (before Commemorative Walk)

1. Thu 19 Jan: 6pm - 7.30pm (ridge plants, field session)
2. Thu 09 Feb: 7pm - 9.30pm (all topics esp. BPP, classroom)

Training Course 2006 (before Heritage Fest)

1. Thu 08 Jun (plants),
2. Thu 15 Jun (war, BPP)
3. Thu 29 Jun (coastal history, southern islands, life in 60's)
4. Sat 01 Jul (dry run)

Guiding Dates for 2006

[1] NUS FoS Family Day
Jan (unconfirmed)

[2] Battle of Pasir Panjang Commemorative Walk
Sunday 12th February 2006: 7am - 12pm

Maximum = 100 pple (expeect less since walk begins at 7am)

[3] Heritage Fest, Jul 2006
  1. Sat 15 Jul 2006
  2. Sun 16 Jul 2006
  3. Sun 23 Jul 2006 [KRP - RBC]
Based on current status (before recruitment),
limit = 50 pple/session x 2 sessions/day x 3 days = 300 pple.

Sessions begin at 8.30am (3 guides) and 10.30am (3 guides).